

Register an account to vote and comment.

If you've forgotten your password, you have the option to reset it.

Nearby tab

You should see posts from people within several kilometers of you if they exist.

To share a message, tap the top right button, compose a message and press send.

Explore tab

Type a city and select one of the recommended results.

The map should jump to that location. You can hold and drag the marker for more fine-tuning.

Notifications Tab

You should get notifications for various social interactions, such as if a user voted or commented on your posts.

Tap a notification to dive into it.

Settings Tab

If logged in, you can change your password here. Select profile => change password.

You can also view contact, about, and privacy pages here.

Reporting Errors and Bugs

Contact me at if you are having problems with the app. I would greatly appreciate it.